Plymouth Church Sunday Morning
Our nursery will be staffed for newborns through age three kids. We also have the service streaming to the conference room for families who would prefer to stay with their nursery age children. Check with an usher for directions for either room.
Sunday School
Available for children age 3 and up as long as they are 3 years old going into the new school year
Children’s Church
Available for children age three through second grade during the message time of our morning service. Age three through preschool age should be taken by their parents directly to Toddler Room #232, across from the nursery. Kindergarten through second grade meet the teachers at the back of the sanctuary.

Meets Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. during the school year and is for ages three through sixth grade.
Council Time This is the classroom time when children sing and learn about Jesus. The Club leader teaches a lesson from the Bible.
Handbook Time The clubbers break out into even smaller groups to go with a leader or volunteer listener so they can recite the Scripture verses they’ve worked on at home (with some help from parents). They earn awards, which are displayed on their Club uniforms.
Middle School age youth. They meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in Room 124 during the school year.
The night starts out with announcements and prayer, then some games, then a time of worship, and ending with a lesson from the youth pastor or a youth leader.
High School age youth. They meet on Sunday nights from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Room 124 during the school year.
The night starts out with announcements and prayer, then some games, sometimes a student led devotional, then a time of worship, and ending with a lesson from the youth pastor or a youth leader. Most nights, the students and leaders go out to eat after youth group.